A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 0
La chatte 0
huck finn 0
Grisjakten 0
Inge, April und Mai 0
Le jardin des supplices 0
The Adventures of Oliver Twist 0
Kaettekite Kogarashi Monjiro 0
Carmen (la de Triana) 0
La chaussée des géants 0
Yawara sempu doto no taiketsu 0
Gritta von Rattenzuhausbeiuns 0
Zô no senaka 0
Le joueur 0
The Auction Block 0
Kagero ezu 0
The Alchemist 0
La città dell'amore 0
Huellas del paraíso 0
Guide 0
Ingenjör Andrées luftfärd 0
Le maestro 0
The Amityville Horror 0
Kagi 0
Carnival Queen 0
La ciudad maldita 0
Year of Wonders 0
Guilty Wives 0
Zoku aoi sanmyaku 0
Le magot de Josefa 0

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