A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
The Hawaiians 0
Blokada: Leningradskiy metronom, Operatsiya Iskra 0
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse 0
Kumo no yôni, kaze no yôni 0
Behold My Wife 0
Le triporteur 0
Gjaksit 0
Dimmi che fai tutto per me 0
The Healer 0
Blood Makes the Grass Grow Green 0
Dracula 0
Kun sandheden 0
Bekstva 0
Le voleur 0
Gleisdreieck 0
5% de risque 0
The Heart of a Lion 0
Bludné duse 0
Dracula 0
Kurobara shôten 0
Bel Ami 0
Le voyage de Gulliver à Lilliput et chez les géants 0
Gli intoccabili 0
5 Branded Women 0
The Heart of Rachael 0
Blumenstein Fernand - bláznuv príbeh 0
Dracula the Un-Dead 0
Kuu on vaarallinen 0
Belle de jour 0
Leányfurfang 0

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