A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Esmeralda 0
Snaha 0
Death Goes to School 0
När syrenerna blomma 0
Bibar 0
Al-Kahira thalatin 0
Reviver 0
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 0
Ett köpmanshus i skärgården 0
Das Autogramm 0
Death of Innocence 0
Frigidaire - Il film 0
Bir avuç toprak 0
Chovekat v syanka 0
Revue um Mitternacht 0
Ssanin 0
Ettore Fieramosca 0
Snow Crash 0
Death Wish 0
Naves ena 0
Biraj Bahu 0
Al-makhdu'un 0
Rid i natt! 0
Ich und meine Frau 0
Ettore Fieramosca 0
Das Bekenntnis der Ina Kahr 0
Decameron Nights 0
From Noon Till Three 0
Birlesen yollar 0
barbie chritmas carol 0

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