A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Tokyo Tower 0
The Republic of Love 0
Drei Mann in einem Boot 0
Le silencieux 0
La rue sans joie 0
...a bude hur 0
Internado para señoritas 0
The Dog Stars 0
The Garden of Earthly Delights 0
The Rest Cure 0
Sierra Baron 0
Le soleil de minuit 0
Stolen Identity 0
...und wer küßt mich? 0
Cornbread, Earl and Me 0
The Domino Principle 0
Told in the Hills 0
The Revenge of Tarzan 0
Drink 0
Le soleil de minuit 0
La rupture 0
12 + 1 0
Internationale Zone 0
The Double 0
The Gates of Morgaine: Ivrel 0
The River's End 0
Silence 0
Le temps des aveux 0
Stolen Life 0
120, rue de la Gare 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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