A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Die Rache der Toten 0
Bajo un mismo rostro 0
Flipped 0
Ámbár tanár úr 0
A Woman's Business 0
Strogoff 0
Shissô 0
Altin küpeler 0
Semi-Tough 0
Bakumatsu jyunjyoden 0
Göre Gábor visszatér 0
American Assassin 0
Pour la peau d'un flic 0
Stud. chem. Helene Willfüer 0
How I Won the War 0
Ama no bakemono yashiki 0
Die schwarze Galeere 0
Bakurô ichidai 0
Flirt se slecnou Stribrnou 0
Amida-do dayori 0
A Woman Rebels 0
Submarino 0
Shonen tanteidan: Teki wa genshisenkoutei 0
Amok 0
Senba zuru 0
Balaoo 0
Gorski hora 0
Amor a la vuelta de la esquina 0
Pour une nuit d'amour 0
Submergence 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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