A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
The Lone Star Ranger 0
Un choix d'assassins 0
Mauvais genres 0
Left Behind: World at War 0
Mudbound 0
L'homme qui valait des milliards 0
Zuo ci xi cao cao 0
Kiraware Matsuko no isshô 0
The Long Wait 0
Un corazón burlado 0
Mavi sürgün 0
Leichte Muse 0
Muj vysvlecenej denik 0
L'homme qui vendit son âme 0
Zwei Herzen im Mai 0
Kirik hayatlar 0
The Lord's Day 0
Un drôle de caïd 0
Maxime 0
Lenz 0
Murder in the Family 0
L'homme sans ombre 0
Zwei Menschen 0
Kiss Me Deadly 0
The Lucky Stiff 0
Un foro nel parabrezza 0
Meeting Evil 0
Leoni Leo 0
Mutterliebe 0
L'idiota 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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