A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
The Phantom Buccaneer 0
Die Gerechten von Kummerow 0
An American Dream 0
Code of the Mounted 0
The Servant 0
Slawna jak Sarajewo 0
Skyjacked 0
Du Lala sheng zhi ji 0
Nadie conoce a nadie 0
Die Geschichte vom Brandner Kaspar 0
The Only Way 0
Çölde bir Istanbul kizi 0
Bahama Passage 0
Smilla's Sense of Snow 0
Little Lost Sister 0
Dublin Nightmare 0
The Plague Dogs 0
Die Herrin der Welt 5. Teil - Ophir, die Stadt der Vergangenheit 0
An Ordinary Spy 0
Colonel Carter of Cartersville 0
The Shape of Things to Come 0
Smoke Lightning 0
Sleeping with the Enemy 0
Duniya Kya Hai 0
Najmilszy ze zlodziei 0
Die Hölle der Jungfrauen 0
The Amorous Milkman 0
Combat de fauves 0
Ballë për ballë 0
Smoky 0

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