A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
D-Zaka no satsujin jiken 0
Zennor in Darkness 0
Ivaylo 0
Atropos 0
Tengoku ni ichiban chikai shima 0
Forty Days of Musa Dagh 0
Il cielo è rosso 0
Le nouveau monde 0
D.O. (Drop Out) 0
Ziemia obiecana 0
J'irai cracher sur vos tombes 0
Au-delà des lois humaines 0
Tengoku no honya - koibi 0
Förvandlingen 0
Il corsaro nero 0
Le père Goriot 0
Da di 0
Zimmer 13 0
Jag heter Stelios 0
Au nom de la loi 0
Tenshi mo yume o miru 0
Franciska vasárnapjai 0
Il dottor Antonio 0
Le point de mire 0
Da lacht Tirol 0
Zio Adolfo, in arte Führer 0
Jago hua savera 0
Aus den Sterntagebüchern des Ijon Tichy 0
Terra-Farma 0
Frau Eva 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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