A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Mobsleepers 0
The Unbeliever 0
Lubo 0
The Great Gatsby 0
The Casebook of Victor Frankenstein 0
Kôfuku 0
Moldovskaya skazka 0
Les aventures de Till L'Espiègle 0
Momo 0
The Underminer 0
Lucia di Lammermoor 0
The Great Impersonation 0
The Catastrophist 0
Koibumi 0
Mon curé chez les riches 0
Les bijoutiers du clair de lune 0
Monk Dawson 0
The Unfaithful 0
Luckiest Girl Alive 0
The Great Impersonation 0
The Cement Garden 0
Koiran kuolema 0
Mon oncle Benjamin 0
Les blessures assassines 0
Monkey Shines 0
The Vanishing 0
Lucky Jim 0
The Green Caravan 0
The Children of Gibeon 0
Kokkino-mavro Carmen 0

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