A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
I Mobster 0
La pirogue 0
Makrya ap' ton kosmo 0
The Miracle of Love 0
Le grand frère 0
Mord, lilla vän 0
Student 0
Je me suis endormi 0
I Mohicani di Parigi 0
La poupée 0
Never Let Me Go 0
The Misfit Brigade 0
Le italiane e l'amore 0
Morte in Vaticano 0
Sudden Jim 0
Jeder stirbt für sich allein 0
I pirati della Malesia 0
La prière de l'absent 0
Nezbedný bakalár 0
The Mistress of Shenstone 0
Le journal d'un fou 0
Mortel transfert 0
Sudeste 0
Jennie Gerhardt 0
I ragazzi della via Paal 0
La prison en folie 0
Ngày le thánh 0
The Mistress of Spices 0
Le mistral 0
Moulin Rouge 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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