A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Bells of San Juan 0
Akai tsubomi to shiroi hana 0
Reisei to jônetsu no aida 0
Hannerl und ihre Liebhaber 0
Enrico Caruso - Leggenda di una voce 0
Duel Scene from 'The Two Orphans' 0
De utstötta 0
Barry Lyndon 0
Benigno, hermano mío 0
Chi no mure 0
Rekviem za edna mrasnitza 0
Sphere 0
Episkoposi nadirobaze 0
Smertnyy vrag 0
De vergeløse 0
Nana 0
Berge in Flammen 0
Akame shijuya taki shinju misui 0
Relative Distances 0
Hannibál tanár úr 0
Eran trece 0
Duga 0
De zondagsjongen 0
Bashtata na yaytzeto 0
Bergkristall 0
Chichi to ko 0
Rene hjerter 0
Sphinx 0
Erster Verlust 0
Smoky 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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