A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Schlafes Bruder 0
Zhi wo men zhong jiang shi qu de qing chun 0
Der Landvogt von Greifensee 0
Trapped by the Mormons 0
Catch Me a Spy 0
Old Dad 0
Jen o rodinných zálezitostech 0
Tiger Eyes 0
En stilla flirt 0
Ziel in den Wolken 0
Addio, amore! 0
Trash 0
Cubagua 0
Onaji tsuki wo miteiru 0
Payment Deferred 0
Tikhiy Don 0
Schlag auf Schlag 0
Zig Zag 0
Der letzte Akt 0
Treasure Island 0
Celos 0
Once a Thief 0
Jeniec Europy 0
Time and Again 0
En waar de sterre bleef stille staan 0
Zoku onna keizu 0
Adrenaline 0
Trevozhnaya molodost 0
Cujo 0
Once I Was 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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