A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
the innocents 0
Rory O'More 0
Sands of the Kalahari 0
Moiraia shesi 0
Kvartetten som sprängdes 0
Yukcheui yaksok 0
Karo 0
The Inspector 0
Tutku 0
Rosalind at Redgate 0
Santa 0
Momojiri musume: purpozu daisakusen 0
L'abbé Constantin 0
Yushun 0
Kashtanka 0
The Internecine Project 0
Tutta la vita davanti 0
Rose of the World 0
Santina 0
Money Isn't Everything 0
L'affaire du Grand-Théâtre 0
Z for Zachariah 0
Kat 0
The Joy Luck Club 0
Tutti possono arricchire tranne i poveri 0
Rosenemil 0
Sargento Getúlio 0
Monseigneur 0
L'Agnese va a morire 0
Za reipu 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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