A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Diary of the Dead 0
Il ritorno di Casanova 0
Krasnoe nebo. Chyornyy sneg 0
Don't Tell Her It's Me 0
Elementarteilchen 0
Kurasshâ Jô 0
Das Tal des Traumes 0
El atentado 0
Días de combate 0
Il romanzo di Maud 0
Kravta ostava 0
Don Juan's Three Nights 0
Elina - Som om jag inte fanns 0
Kurisumasu Kurisumasu 0
David and Jonathan 0
El bosque animado 0
Die Alm an der Grenze 0
Il segreto dell'uomo solitario 0
Krummerne 3 - fars gode idé 0
Don Quichotte 0
Els papers d'Aspern 0
Kuro no chôtokkyu 0
De arme edelman 0
El buscón 0
Die Andere 0
Il senso della vertigine 0
Krysar 0
Don Quijote de Orson Welles 0
Elusion 0
Kuro no chushajo 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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