A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Uncle Tom's Bungalow 0
International Velvet 0
The Claydon Treasure Mystery 0
L'homme de chevet 0
Soekie 0
Le mystère de Notre-Dame de Paris 0
Imposibila iubire 0
A Chapter in Her Life 0
Maria, ihm schmeckt's nicht! 0
Interworld 0
The Da Vinci Code 0
L'homme de Londres 0
Coeur animal 0
Le mystère des jonquilles 0
Ti xiao yin yuan shang ji 0
A ciascuno il suo 0
Und finden dereinst wir uns wieder 0
Io non ho paura 0
Red Sparrow 0
L'homme invisible 0
Soldier in the Rain 0
Le notti bianche 0
In a Shallow Grave 0
A Corte do Norte 0
Maria Zef 0
Io ricordo 0
The Dangerous Talent 0
L'homme sans coeur 0
Cold Turkey 0
Le pacha 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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