A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
God's Little Acre 0
Akatsuki no dasso 0
Pintu terlarang 0
Poucette ou le plus jeune détective du monde - Épisode 1: En plein mystère 0
Hong se niang zi jun 0
Ché phawa daw nu nu 0
Die Fastnachtsbeichte 0
As Trapalhadas de Dom Quixote e Sancho Pança 0
A Sereia de Pedra 0
Akmenainais cels 0
A Mother's Influence 0
Prater Violet 0
Shaft 0
Cheaper by the Dozen 0
Schüsse unterm Galgen 0
Ashita e no yuigon 0
God Is My Broker 0
Akumyô 0
Piry Valtasara, ili noch so Stalinym 0
Préméditation 0
Honor Bound 0
Chelovek - zver 0
Die Gespenster von Garden Hall 0
Aska tövbe 0
A Severed Head 0
Akumyo ichidai 0
A Question of Trust 0
Presentimientos 0
Shall We Dance? 0
Cheng da sao 0

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