A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Hashire! Shiroi okami 0
Menschen ohne Vaterland 0
Dogura magura 0
Watashi wa nisai 0
The Incredible Mr. Limpet 0
Predicament 0
Reikusaido mâdâ kêsu 0
Porci con le ali 0
Hatholdas rózsakert 0
Meoto zenzai 0
Doktor Faustus 0
Watashitachi ga suki datta koto 0
The Infernal Devices: Clockwork Angel 0
Prevrashchenie 0
República dos Assassinos 0
Poulet au vinaigre 0
Haunted Temple 0
Mercury Rising 0
Domingo salvaje 0
Watch Your Wife 0
The Interns 0
Priklyucheniya malenkogo papy 0
Requiem 0
Pour un sourire 0
Havana Nocturne 0
Mes nuits sont plus belles que vos jours 0
Don't Make Waves 0
Watchers II 0
The Invisible Circus 0
Lost Patrol 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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