A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
O Guarani 0
Valdemar, el homonculus dormido 0
À mort l'arbitre 0
Six Days 0
A Sombra da Outra 0
Légitime défense 0
Everything Is Illuminated 0
Doctor Zhivago 0
Good Morning, Miss Dove 0
Valiant Is the Word for Carrie 0
Cuba Cabana 0
Six Suspects 0
Broken Angel 0
Lehrer Matthiesen 0
Bransford in Arcadia; or, The Little Eohippus 0
Doctors' Wives 0
O Guarani 0
Valley of the Dolls 0
A poutru oni prosnulis 0
Skalpel, prosím 0
A Spell for Chameleon 0
Les aventures d'Arsène Lupin 0
Everything Is Poetry Baby 0
Dok su oni leteli na Mesec 0
Gordian, der Tyrann 0
Valley of the Giants 0
Cudnovate zgode segrta Hlapica 0
Skapa moya, skapi moy 0
Bröllopsbesvär 0
Les aventuriers 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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