A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Victoria 0
Czarne diamenty 0
To Have and to Hold 0
En la selva no hay estrellas 0
Vidas Nuas 0
Dead Spy Running 0
Pravosudie volkov 0
Huo yan shan 0
Viktoriya 0
Singapore, Singapore 0
To mystiko tis katigoroumenis 0
Die Insel der Träume 0
Villain 0
Drôle de jeu 0
Pred otechestvoto da zabravim omrazata si 0
Kaze no shisen 0
Villervalle i Söderhavet 0
Daddy Long Legs 0
Préstame tu marido 0
En las entrañas de Madrid 0
Vincennes Neuilly 0
Dead to the World 0
Pretty Poison 0
Hyökyaaltoja 0
Vincent, François, Paul... et les autres 0
Sipur Shematchil Belevaya Shel Nachash 0
Príbeh jednoho dne 0
Die klugen Frauen 0
Vismayathumbathu 0
Drugi czlowiek 0

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Eddie the Eagle

41 differences