A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
He Fell in Love with His Wife 0
Kamouraska 0
The Son's Return 0
Kamen gakuen 0
Infekcija 0
Veshtestveno dokazatelstvo 0
The Power of a Lie 0
Soldaty 0
Der Mann ohne Namen - 7. Gelbe Bestien 0
Kanli dösek 0
Nochevala tuchka zolotaya... 0
Kampf um Rom I 0
Sis ve Gece 0
Vida de Menina 0
Um Copo de Cólera 0
Something Blue 0
Heart and Soul 0
Kanzen-naru shiiku 0
The Son of Monte Cristo 0
Kamui no ken 0
Infernal Machine 0
Vida/Perra 0
The Prestige 0
Somnul insulei 0
Der Marquis von Bolibar 0
Kanzen-naru shiiku: Onna rihatsushi no koi 0
Nøddebo præstegaard 0
Kapitan Nemo 0
Sissit 0
Vieille canaille 0

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