A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Rabbits and Trains 0
Pirates of Treasure Island 0
Les aveux les plus doux 0
Méchant garçon 0
Die verschwundene Frau 0
Vsadnik po imeni Smert 0
L'état sauvage 0
Police Python 357 0
Raise the Titanic 0
Pit of Darkness 0
Les chiens dans la nuit 0
Med livet som insats 0
Die Winzerin von Langenlois 0
Vyöhyke 0
L'idiot 0
Poppy Haviland & the Secret of the Lively Widow 0
Rakkaus on nopeampi Piiroisen pässiäkin 0
Planet of the Apes 0
Les copains 0
Meester Kikker 0
Dik Trom weet raad 0
Wait Until Spring, Bandini 0
L'iguana dalla lingua di fuoco 0
Port Arthur 0
Ranjau sepanjang jalan 0
Plata za proyezd 0
Les déracinés 0
Mein têma 0
Do Phool 0
Waldwinter 0

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Eddie the Eagle

41 differences