A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
That Cold Day in the Park 0
Frech und verliebt 0
Il mistero del grande espero 0
Le samouraï 0
Dafnis kai Hloi: Oi mikroi erastai 0
Zoo 0
Jigsaw 0
Az új földesúr 0
The Adventures of Hajji Baba 0
Pünktchen und Anton 0
Il pellegrino 0
Le sang à la tête 0
Dagfin 0
Zouqâq al-Midaqq 0
Jin se ye cha 0
Baba 0
The Age of Innocence 0
Qingchun wu hui 0
Il ritorno del figlio prodigo 0
Le signal rouge 0
Dahinten in der Heide 0
Zouzou 0
Jin zhan hua 0
Back Street 0
The Anderson Tapes 0
Quand sonnera midi 0
Il romanzo di un giovane povero 0
Le tigre du Bengale 0
Damen med kameliorna 0
Zwei Menschen 0

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