A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
The Mighty 0
The Mouse on the Moon 0
The Fallen Sparrow 0
The Pride and the Passion 0
Shoro nagashi 0
Le judoka, agent secret 0
Stärker als die Liebe 0
Ako roshi 0
Convict 99 0
The Mystery of Mr. Bernard Brown 0
Tjærehandleren 0
The Princess and the Goblin 0
Double Cross 0
Le masque de fer 0
La porteuse de pain 0
Aku no monsho 0
The Millionaire Baby 0
The Namesake 0
The First Law 0
The Prisoner of Zenda 0
Show of Hands 0
Le mystère de la villa rose 0
Statskiy sovetnik 0
Akumyo daiko 0
Cop Hater 0
The New Magdalen 0
Tjenare kungen 0
The Quarry 0
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 0
Le notti di Cabiria 0

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