A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Blaze of Noon 0
Karami-ai 0
Vous pigez? 0
FireCop 0
Wu yi 0
La maison des hommes vivants 0
Tábor padlych zien 0
Idols 0
Superseven chiama Cairo 0
Kariéra matky Lízalky 0
Extramuros 0
Firmin: Adventures of a Metropolitan Lowlife 0
I Wouldn't Be in Your Shoes 0
La maison du mystère 0
Szorongó varázs 0
Ie naki musume 0
Bless the Beasts & Children 0
Karl May 0
Voyna i mir III: 1812 god 0
Firtina geçti 0
X gêmu 0
La maladie de Sachs 0
Taiyô wa yondeiru 0
If a Man Answers 0
SuperTex 0
Karl May 0
Eylül firtinasi 0
Flap 0
Ibun Sarutobi Sasuke 0
La mansión de Araucaima 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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