A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Le voyage imprévu 0
The Compulsory Husband 0
Tagebuch einer Verliebten 0
Jusqu'au bout du monde 0
Mutluluk 0
Lastikman 0
Les trois mousquetaires 0
The Plastic Age 0
Leather Stocking 0
The Conquering Horde 0
Taiyo no kisetsu 0
Juve contre Fantômas 0
Ich bin ein Elefant, Madame 0
Laughing Anne 0
Les voleurs de la nuit 0
The Power 0
Leichte Kavallerie 0
The Corsican Brothers 0
Taiyo no ko teda no fua 0
K novomu beregu 0
Ich weiß, wofür ich lebe 0
Le avventure straordinarissime di Saturnino Farandola 0
Na istarski nacin 0
The Price of Redemption 0
Leilet al quabd al Fatma 0
The Crazy-Quilt 0
Tajemnica dzikiego szybu 0
Kaas 0
Identikit 0
Le bal du comte d'Orgel 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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