A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Løgneren 0
Nick Carter, le roi des détectives - Épisode 1: Guêt-apens 0
La gitanilla 0
Irene Huss - Tatuerad torso 0
L'astragale 0
The Postcard Killers 0
Tom Brown's School Days 0
Momojiri musume: Pinku hippu gaaru 0
Lolites tis Athinas 0
Nie zi 0
La guerre des gosses 0
Island 0
L'Atlantide 0
The Power and the Prize 0
Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn 0
Mon ami Sainfoin 0
Lord Jim 0
Niji no misaki 0
La hermana San Sulpicio 0
Istiklal madalyasi 0
L'Atlantide 0
The Pretty Sister of Jose 0
Tomato Red 0
Mon coeur au ralenti 0
Lord Loveland Discovers America 0
Nikt nie wola 0
La justicière 0
Qariba adam 0
L'educazione sentimentale di Eugénie 0
The Price She Paid 0

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