A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
The Egyptian 0
Crime et châtiment 0
Die nackte Wahrheit 0
That Something 0
Un eroe borghese 0
Her Winning Way 0
Bitter Harvest 0
Return to Sender 0
Life at the Top 0
Cristo si è fermato a Eboli 0
Sans moi 0
The Accidental Tourist 0
Treti rota 0
Here Comes the Bride 0
Tankový prapor 0
Rich in Love 0
The Emperor's New Clothes 0
Cruising 0
Die Nichten der Frau Oberst 0
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 0
Un grito en la noche 0
Herr Kobin geht auf Abenteuer 0
Bizansi titreten yigit 0
Ricordi 0
Siddharta 0
Cry of the City 0
Santa Fe 0
The Adventures of Pinocchio 0
Tri muzi ve snehu 0
Het debuut 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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