A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Wildwood 0
Severance Package 0
The Plow Woman 0
Mi in 0
Spitzenhöschen und Schusterpech 0
Paperhouse 0
Tenshi ni misuterareta yoru 0
Barbacka 0
Jalna 0
Shajarur Kanta 0
Viktoria 0
Mi wa jukushitari 0
Anantha Rathriya 0
Nippon sanjûshi: Osaraba Tokyo no maki 0
Le coupable 0
Barcelona, abans que el temps ho esborri 0
William Baluchet, roi des détectives - Épisode 2: Le mystère de Passy 0
Shang shi 0
The President Vanishes 0
Michael Strogoff 0
Splintret emaille 0
Nobi 0
Teresa Raquin 0
Barna från Blåsjöfjället 0
Jamaica Inn 0
Shangani Patrol 0
Vilaine histoire 0
Michel Strogoff 0
Ang lumang simbahan 0
Nobleza ranchera 0

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