A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Napoléon II, l'aiglon 0
Il mistero di Bernardo Brown 0
O Primo Basílio 0
Videoblog 0
När ängarna blommar 0
That Royle Girl 0
Walking Across Egypt 0
Le bateau d'Émile 0
När mörkret faller 0
Il naufrago 0
O Rei da Vela 0
Viimeinen savotta 0
Natsu no owari 0
Charlie Chan's Chance 0
Walking with Jack 0
Le bateau de mariage 0
Ne jouez pas avec les Martiens 0
Il padre e lo straniero 0
O Trigo e o Joio 0
Vinnie's Head 0
Nedgång och Fall 0
Totto Channel 0
Wanted by Scotland Yard 0
Le caïd 0
Nedra 0
Il ponte dei sospiri 0
O Viajante 0
Violantha 0
Nemmeno il destino 0
Touch 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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