A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Alraune 0
Monte Carlo 0
Las aventuras de Juliancito 0
Así es la vida 0
When It Was Dark 0
The Christian 0
The Conspirators 0
Marry the Girl 0
Sohn ohne Heimat 0
Moondance 0
Taipei 0
Asuka e, soshite mada minu ko e 0
Chapaev 0
The Cinema Murder 0
Van de koele meren des doods 0
Mary 0
Als werkelijkheidszin bestaat moet mogelijkheidszin ook bestaan 0
Operation: Daybreak 0
Las tumbas 0
Atlas Shrugged II: The Strike 0
When Knighthood Was in Flower 0
The Class of Miss MacMichael 0
The Cross and the Switchblade 0
Mascotte 0
Sol y sombra 0
Operation Redlight 0
Taistelu Heikkilän talosta 0
Atómstöðin 0
Charlotte Street 0
The Cliff Walk 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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