A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
In the Palace of the King 0
Arcadia Revisited 0
Dr. Bessels Verwandlung 0
Czerwony blazen 0
Santa Cecilia 0
Rycerze mroku 0
Pavilionens hemmelighed 0
Monique 0
Miarka, la fille à l'ourse 0
Avalanche 0
Le diamant noir 0
Dangerous Innocence 0
Sailors Don't Care 0
Samanishvilis dedinatsvali 0
Zwei unterm Himmelszelt 0
Mocny czlowiek 0
Ingomar, the Barbarian 0
Babbitt 0
Doomsday 0
Das Abenteuer der Sibylle Brant 0
Satan's Sister 0
Sangre y arena 0
Percy 0
Molly Make-Believe 0
Mist in the Valley 0
Béatrix Cenci 0
Le friquet 0
Das Abenteuer des Dr. Kircheisen 0
Sandra 0
Sans famille 0

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