A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Repeat Performance 0
Pantáta Bezousek 0
Gazapkhuli Sakenshi 0
The Tonto Kid 0
Seven Cities of Gold 0
Zherebyonok 0
Green Fingers 0
Livet på en pinne 0
Racconti romani 0
Pantalaskas 0
Foma Gordeev 0
The Surgeon's Knife 0
Sheriff Teddy 0
Woman Obsessed 0
Goupi mains rouges 0
Llegada de noche 0
Raggen - det är jag det 0
Dik Trom en zijn dorpsgenoten 0
For Whom the Bell Tolls 0
The Solitary Child 0
Shesh Nibedan 0
West of the Pecos 0
Granny Get Your Gun 0
Locura pasional 0
Pyatnadtsatiletniy kapitan 0
Die Umwege des schönen Karl 0
Förtrollad vandring 0
The Sound of Fury 0
Seven Little Australians 0
Weil du arm bist, mußt du früher sterben 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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