A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Rätsel der Nacht 0
Satsujinsha no kao 0
Mother Carey's Chickens 0
Cheers for Miss Bishop 0
La de los ojos color del tiempo 0
The Hands of Orlac 0
Kyojin to gangu 0
Street of Chance 0
Re mizeraburu: kami to akuma 0
Liana, a Pecadora 0
Min kone er husar 0
Gewitterflug zu Claudia 0
La famiglia Passaguai 0
El 0
Kyökin puolella 0
The Man I Love 0
Renate im Quartett 0
Schloß Hubertus 0
Michael Kohlhaas 0
Celuloza 0
La danza del corazón 0
The Green Years 0
L'affaire d'une nuit 0
Stribrná oblaka 0
Reprisal! 0
Légy jó mindhalálig 0
Miehen vankina 0
Gestatten, mein Name ist Cox 0
La casa de la Troya 0
Duniya Na Mane 0

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