A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Miarka, la fille à l'ourse 0
Dentist in the Chair 0
Mannen som alla ville mörda 0
Il tesoro del Bengala 0
Los bandidos de Río Frío 0
Makrya ap' ton kosmo 0
Jungle Book 0
Maria Malibran 0
Michael O'Halloran 0
Der Frosch mit der Maske 0
Maria Chapdelaine 0
Il delitto di Giovanni Episcopo 0
Lydia Bailey 0
Man spricht über Jacqueline 0
Junior Miss 0
Maracaibo 0
Michel Strogoff 0
Der Fuchs von Glenarvon 0
Maria Ilona 0
Idol on Parade 0
La femme idéale 0
Mi Klalah L'Brahah 0
Kafuku zempen 0
Make Me an Offer 0
Milování zakázáno 0
Den evige Eva 0
Macao, l'enfer du jeu 0
I promessi sposi 0
L'empreinte du Dieu 0
Michel Strogoff 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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