A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Flood 0
Az asszony 0
Da hong mi dian 0
Bokura no nanoka-kan sensô 0
Tankový prapor 0
Bongwater 0
Stars and Bars 0
Werther 0
Fun with Dick and Jane 0
Ashita no kioku 0
Toutes ces belles promesses 0
Bizan 0
Powrót wabiszczura 0
Burning Secret 0
Evening 0
Warau Iemon 0
Feux rouges 0
Arugentin babâ 0
Dark Water 0
Blanca Madison 0
Taxi für eine Leiche 0
Cadence 0
Snack Bar Budapest 0
Watashi no guranpa 0
Funes, un gran amor 0
Balada da Praia dos Cães 0
Tiny 0
Border Shootout 0
Présumé dangereux 0
Cavedweller 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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