A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Med livet som insats 0
The Undying Monster 0
Single-Handed 0
Zwischen Himmel und Erde 0
Ideál septimy 0
Le roi Pandore 0
Rob Roy: The Highland Rogue 0
Pessi ja Illusia 0
Gelosia 0
The Triumph of Sherlock Holmes 0
Sinhá Moça 0
Zlota maska 0
Gula kliniken 0
Little Man, What Now? 0
Room in the House 0
Pequeñeces... 0
Gidget 0
The Time Machine 0
Servants' Entrance 0
Za vlast Sovetov 0
Guns of the Timberland 0
Los dos pilletes 0
Ruthless 0
Patarouva 0
Gas-oil 0
The Shaggy Dog 0
Seva Sadan 0
Zangiku monogatari 0
Haie und kleine Fische 0
Los miserables 0

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