A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Cadavres en vacances 0
Zaklete rewiry 0
Col cuore in gola 0
Nureta futari 0
Colossus: The Forbin Project 0
Zandy's Bride 0
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 0
Nutan Jiban 0
Cent briques et des tuiles 0
Nybyggarna 0
Cerrado por asesinato 0
Obzalovany 0
Chair de poule 0
O moravské zemi 0
Confessions from a Holiday Camp 0
On the Fiddle 0
Confessions of a Pop Performer 0
On Her Majesty's Secret Service 0
Constance aux enfers 0
Ore ni sawaru to abunaize 0
Coplan FX 18 casse tout 0
Opasni put 0
Coplan sauve sa peau 0
Da lacht Tirol 0
Currito de la Cruz 0
Cry for Happy 0
Dans l'eau... qui fait des bulles!... 0
Las autonosuyas 0
Vishnyovyy omut 0
Zübük 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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