A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Per le antiche scale 0
Piège pour une fille seule 0
La busca 0
Le bar de la fourche 0
Permanent Blue: Manatsu no koi 0
Kartal yuvasi 0
Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray 0
Tænk på et tal 0
Piccadilly null Uhr zwölf 0
Pikku suorasuu 0
La calda vita 0
Le fils de Tarass Boulba 0
Pojat 0
Karvat 0
Das Rätsel der roten Orchidee 0
The Anderson Tapes 0
Poshekhonskaya starina 0
Play It As It Lays 0
A Patch of Blue 0
Le fou du labo IV 0
Poly arga gia dakrya 0
Kekceve ukane 0
Das Stacheltier - Das blaue Zimmer 0
The Antioch Adventure 0
Pudelnackt in Oberbayern 0
Permission to Kill 0
A Place to Go 0
La vida inútil de Pito Pérez 0
Ride a Wild Pony 0
Kinokawa 0

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Eddie the Eagle

41 differences