A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Bad Medicine 0
Tristesse et beauté 0
Taiyo no ko teda no fua 0
Carmen, la que contaba 16 años 0
Tabarana Kathe 0
Tuntematon ystävä 0
Szpital przemienienia 0
Sommerjubel 0
Turtle Diary 0
Stalker 0
Bian fu chuan qi 0
The Wanderers 0
Beloftes van Môre 0
Tretí sarkan 0
Benvenuta 0
The Warriors 0
Banafshezar 0
Totto Channel 0
Blue Moon 0
The Witches of Eastwick 0
Blistayushchiy mir 0
To fragma 0
Blonder Tango 0
There's a Nightmare in My Closet 0
To Live and Die in L.A. 0
Ti spacco il muso bimba 0
Terry on the Fence 0
The Bride 0
The Empty Beach 0

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