A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Geld und Geist 0
Shin kurama tengu: Gojôzaka no kettô 0
Sedmina - Pozdravi Marijo 0
Zarota 0
Les chiennes 0
Murtaza 0
Jôi-uchi: Hairyô tsuma shimatsu 0
DM-Killer 0
Gion matsuri 0
Une larme dans l'océan 0
Sedmoy sputnik 0
O arhontas tou kampou 0
Le vice et la vertu 0
Iftira 0
Journey to Shiloh 0
Les aveux les plus doux 0
Inimesed sõdurisinelis 0
Seven Days in May 0
Sette contro la morte 0
Yoru no henrin 0
Les aventures de Salavin 0
Nada 0
Kamallata 0
Dmitro Goritsvit 0
Inochi bô ni furô 0
Utvandrarna 0
Sevda 0
Ömrümün tek gecesi 0
Let the Balloon Go 0
Igrok 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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