A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Russkoe 0
Chemins de traverse 0
Eternidade 0
Przyjaciel wesolego diabla 0
La guagua aérea 0
Det perfekte mord 0
Shopgirl 0
Pascali's Island 0
Shilpi 0
Bethune: The Making of a Hero 0
Eye of the Beholder 0
Ricochet River 0
La guerre dans le Haut Pays 0
Gavre Princip - Himmel unter Steinen 0
Shu jian en chou lu 0
Papa est parti, maman aussi 0
Shin Jingi no Hakaba 0
Black Beauty 0
Evil Angels 0
Riding the Bullet 0
La fine è nota 0
Frankenstein General Hospital 0
Simple Things 0
Pereval 0
Shuttlecock 0
Blackfellas 0
Enker Panjuni 0
Rita Rubinsteinová jede metrem v nejlepsím ze vsech svetu 0
La furia de un dios 0
Fray Bartolomé de las Casas 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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