A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Spare the Rod 0
Darker Than Amber 0
Osmiyat 0
Tendre poulet 0
Préstame tu marido 0
The Dirty Dozen 0
Kavkasiuri ambavi 0
Akumyo muteki 0
Srecno, Kekec! 0
Aru koroshiya 0
Paranoia 0
Ansatsu 0
Pretty Poison 0
Un uomo, una città 0
Katei no jijô 0
The Paper Chase 0
Stay Away, Joe 0
Das Haus auf dem Hügel 0
Pavitra Paapi 0
Senso to ningen: Unmei no jokyoku 0
Priklyuchenie v polunosht 0
The Crazy-Quilt 0
King, Queen, Knave 0
491 0
Stay Hungry 0
Bekötött szemmel 0
Paleta lásky 0
As Pupilas do Senhor Reitor 0
První parta 0
Una cavalla tutta nuda 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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