A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
El lugar donde estuvo el paraíso 0
Talvisota 0
Le dernier tunnel 0
Erik of het klein insectenboek 0
The Tailor of Panama 0
Seobe 0
Solstorm 0
C'est beau une ville la nuit 0
El embrujo de Shanghai 0
Szatan z siódmej klasy 0
Le deuxième souffle 0
Eylül firtinasi 0
The War of the Roses 0
Séta 0
Someone Like You... 0
Ça ne se refuse pas 0
El triunfo 0
Test '88 0
Le affinità elettive 0
Estorvo 0
The Woodlanders 0
Setouchi munraito serenade 0
Sokaktaki adam 0
Family Business 0
Emil und die Detektive 0
Ten Little Indians 0
Le parole di mio padre 0
Ethan Frome 0
The Work and the Glory 0
Sekai no chûshin de, ai o sakebu 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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