A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
How Do I Love Thee? 0
¿Y ahora qué, señor fiscal? 0
Lan yu hei (Xia) 0
Kinkakuji 0
Miyamoto Musashi: Ganryû-jima no kettô 0
Koniec naszego swiata 0
Hawaii 0
Komedi i Hägerskog 0
Iç güveysi 0
A Clockwork Orange 0
Le bois des amants 0
Kimi yo fundo no kawa wo watare 0
Monsieur Hawarden 0
L'Agnese va a morire 0
Heiten jikan 0
Klabautermannen 0
I promessi sposi 0
A Touch of Love 0
Le cri du cormoran, le soir au-dessus des jonques 0
Kimen 0
Mushukunin-betsuchô 0
L'amante dell'Orsa Maggiore 0
Hekus lettem 0
Klansman 0
Iffet 0
Acto da Primavera 0
Le cave se rebiffe 0
Kizil vazo 0
Mont-Dragon 0
L'eredità Ferramonti 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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