A book made into a movie, a Movie turned into a TV Show... Check out the possibilities!

Title Number of Differences
Die Frau im Talar 0
Sally Bishop 0
Résurrection 0
Patria 0
On Our Selection 0
Name the Woman 0
Alraune 0
Le chevalier de Maison-Rouge 0
Die Herrin der Welt 5. Teil - Ophir, die Stadt der Vergangenheit 0
Román hloupého Honzy 0
Riders of the Purple Sage 0
Young Lochinvar 0
Os Fidalgos da Casa Mourisca 0
In the Balance 0
Antonio di Padova, Il santo dei miracoli 0
Zyte 0
Die Hölle der Jungfrauen 0
Sandy 0
Ringende Seelen 0
Paula 0
Palac na kólkach 0
Narayana 0
Así es la vida 0
Le collier de la reine 0
Die Insel der Verschollenen 0
Romance à l'inconnue 0
Ruizu no saigo 0
Z dnia na dzien 0
Palaces 0
In the Palace of the King 0

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Eddie the Eagle

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