What's the Difference between The Sum of All Fears the Book and The Sum of All Fears the Movie?


The Sum of All Fears

Released: 1991
Author: Tom Clancy

The Sum of All Fears

Released: 2002
Director: Phil Alden Robinson
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In the Book In the Movie
Jack Ryan
Jack Ryan
Portrayed by: Ben Affleck
The Sum of All Fears Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   Ryan does not speak Russian. Ryan speaks Russian fluently.
   Narmonov decides on his own to stand down his troops to avoid nuclear war. Nemerov is asked by Ryan to stand down his troops to avoid nuclear war.
   When Ryan is communicating with Narmonov on the US-Russian hotline, he knows that the bomb is not Soviet but does not know the actual culprits. When Ryan is communicating with Nemerov on the US-Russian hotline, he knows the bomb is not Russian and that Dressler is behind it.
   Cabot frequently ignores Ryan's views during policy discussions, believing him to be arrogant. Cabot often asks Ryan his opinion during high-level discussions to showcase Ryan's fresh approach.
   Charles Alden, President Fowler's initial National Security Adviser, dies from an aneurysm following a sex scandal. Elizabeth Elliot replaces him. Gene Renevall remains President Fowler's National Security Adviser the whole time.
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