What's the Difference between The Princess Bride the Book and The Princess Bride the Movie?


The Princess Bride

Released: 1973
Author: William Goldman

The Princess Bride

Released: 1987
Director: Rob Reiner
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In the Book In the Movie
Portrayed by: Carey Elwes
Portrayed by: Robin Wright
Inigo Montoya
Inigo Montoya
Portrayed by: Mandy Patinkin
Portrayed by: Andre the Giant
Count Rugen
Count Rugen
Portrayed by: Christopher Guest
The Princess Bride Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   Buttercup is presented to the public. She wants to go into the crowd, but Humperdinck tells her no. She goes anyway. When she is introduced, she walks directly into the crowd without any discussion.
   The Sicilian, Vizzini lunges at Buttercup on her horse and pinches her neck causing her to lose conciousness. Vizzini nods at Fezzik, and he pinches her neck.
   Fezzik tells Vizzini that he should kill Buttercup when she is laying in the boat. Fezzik is unaware of the plan to kill Buttercup until Vizzini mentions it.
   Buttercup jumps in the water and Vizzini warns her that the sharks will get her. The are about to eat her, when they see her and Fezzik grabs her out of the water. There are Shrieking Eels in the water. Just as the eel is about to attack, Fezzik knocks it on the head and grabs Buttercup.
   After they rescue Buttercup from the sharks they notice the Man in black behind them in his boat. They notice the man in black and while they are distracted, Buttercup jumps into the water.
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