What's the Difference between Watchmen the Graphic Novel and Watchmen the Movie?

Super Hero


Released: 1986
Author: Alan Moore


Released: 2009
Director: Zack Snyder
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In the Graphic Novel In the Movie
Edward Blake/The Comedian
Edward Blake/The Comedian
Portrayed by: Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Dr. Manhattan
Dr. Manhattan
Portrayed by: Billy Crudup
Adrian Veidt/Ozymandias
Adrian Veidt/Ozymandias
Portrayed by: Matthew Goode
Portrayed by: Jackie Earle Haley
Dan Dreiberg/Nite Owl
Dan Dreiberg/Nite Owl
Portrayed by: Patrick Wilson
Laurie Juspeczyk/Silk Spectre II
Laurie Jupiter/Silk Spectre II
Portrayed by: Malin Åkerman
Hollis Mason/Nite Owl I
Hollis Mason/Nite Owl I
Portrayed by: Stephen McHattie
Young Hollis Mason
Young Hollis Mason
Portrayed by: Clint Carleton
Sally Jupiter/Silk Spectre I
Sally Jupiter/Silk Spectre I
Portrayed by: Carla Gugino
Captain Metropolis
Captain Metropolis
Portrayed by: Darryl Scheelar
Watchmen Graphic Novel vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Graphic Novel In the Movie
   Dan and Laurie take Archie through the tunnel and then out through the roof of the warehouse. Laurie spots the fire from the air. The ship comes out from under the water. Dan is monitoring the police radio and hears about the fire.
   Dan uses water cannons on Archie to douse the flames, while Laurie helps the people board the ship through the ramp. Dan gets on top to fly to give the people more room. Dan uses his Gatling gun to bring down the rooftop water tower to control the fire. Laurie then jumps from the ship and crashes through the ceiling. She helps the people onto the ship and barely escapes an explosion.
   Big Figure goes to see Rorschach and tells him he has been in jail for 20 years. He says it has been 15 years.
   During the riot, Big Figure arrives at Rorschach's cell and Lawrence has an arc welder with him. The intend on cutting the bars with it. Rorschach gets him to put his arms in and he ties them there. Mike then slits his throat so they can get through. After they cut the lock, Rorschach stands on his bunk and breaks the toilet so the water spills out. The bare wire of the arc welder causes Mike to be electrocuted. They have a circular saw. They use it to cut off Lawrence's arms so they can cut the lock. Mike enters the room and Rorschach throws him down and his head hits the toilet breaking it. The water hits a bare wire from the light and electrocutes Mike.
   When Nite Owl and Silk Spectre come to break Rorschach out, they first go to his cell, but find he isn't there. Then the see him and he is wearing his prison uniform. His Shrink goes to his office to hide from the riot. Rorschach is there and demands his face. He puts his disguise back on and is heading to the toilet when he is spotted by Dan and Laurie.
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