What's the Difference between RoboCop the Movie Original and RoboCop the Movie ReMake ?



Released: 1987
Director: Paul Verhoeven


Released: 2014
Director: José Padilha
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In the Movie In the Movie
Alex RoboCop Murphy
Portrayed by: Peter Weller
Alex RoboCop Murphy
Portrayed by: Joel Kinnaman
RoboCop Movie vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Movie In the Movie
   Murphy is shot and killed by Boddicker and his men at a steel mill when they are investigating a robbery. Drug dealers want revenge on Murphy after a run in. They blow up his car and he is severely injured, but doesn't die.
   Murphy dies and is brought back to life by the RoboCop project. Murphy is alive and is turned into RoboCop.
   Bob Morton suggests creating RoboCop. He works for OmniCorp and wants to get a promotion over the Senior Vice President. Dr. Dennett Norton is a scientist who helps amputees. He creates RoboCop to save his life.
   RoboCop is slow and mechanical in his movements. He is quick and agile and can jump very high.
   RoboCop is metalic grey. He has a different suit that is black.
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