What's the Difference between RoboCop the Movie Original and RoboCop the Movie ReMake ?



Released: 1987
Director: Paul Verhoeven


Released: 2014
Director: José Padilha
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In the Movie In the Movie
Alex RoboCop Murphy
Portrayed by: Peter Weller
Alex RoboCop Murphy
Portrayed by: Joel Kinnaman
RoboCop Movie vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Movie In the Movie
   Murphy and Lewis are new partners before he is gunned down. They are long time friends and partners.
   Lewis has no idea that Murphy is RoboCop until she meets him while on duty. Jack knows that Murphy has become RoboCop.
   OmniCorp wants to sell the ED-209 to Detroit but it hasn't been deployed anywhere yet. The company has already sold the robot and several others around the world before attempting to gain a foothold in the USA.
   Senior Vice President Dick Jones is the head of OmniCorp. The head of OmniCorp is the CEO Raymond Sellars.
   RoboCop is targetted because he is competion for the ED-209. RoboCop is not targetted but they keep an eye on him in case he turns against his creators.
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